We will need to install 3 softwares before hand.

A. Fuse

B. FuseIDE

C. Maven

To get JBoss Fuse, logon to JBoss Customer Portal, download the beta version. Or Visit the Fuse.org .

Unzip the file to install JBoss Fuse. (A best practice for installing the software is not to have space or any special characters in the path)

open up users.properties file under $FUSE_INSTALLATION_PATH/etc

by taking out # before admin setting, we have create a user admin, with password admin that has the right of an administrator.

Fuse IDE is the development tool, it's very helpful, it has various examples for you to get started. So we download it from JBoss Customer Portal, or Visit the Fuse.org for it.  Depends on your own operating system, download the version that apply to you.

測試Fuse 6.1 Beta, 這版多了新的GUI 功能,真的漂釀好多喔。佩服這些寫GUI的開發者哩~ 前端總是最難搞的~


A. Fuse

B. FuseIDE 開發工具

C. Maven

好了,廢話不多說,先來安裝JBoss Fuse 6.1.
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