I was amazed by the increasing number of people mentioning "Internet of Things" in the recent conversations, if you already know what IoT is, please skip this part and go straight to my demo. :)

From Wiki,

"The term Internet of Things was proposed by Kevin Ashton in 1999,... it originally refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. ...... Today however, the term Internet of Things is used to denote advanced connectivity of devices, systems and services that goes beyond the traditional machine-to-machine (M2M) and covers a variety of protocols, domains and applications."

From my understanding, is that more and more light weight, hand carry device or smart appliance are produce and manufactured.

最近越來越多人在談物聯網(Internet of Things,簡寫 IoT ),如果你已經知道物聯網,那請直接跳過,直接往Demo 奔去吧。什麼是物聯網?根據我幫大家Google 過後的定義如下,

"物聯網(The Internet of Things)的概念是在1999年提出的,它的定義:把所有物品通過射頻識別等信息感測設備與互聯網連接起來,實現智能化識別和管理。"

簡單來說,在古早的年代,會聯結上網路的,通常都是一台電腦,可是因為科技的日新月異,網路越來越發達,手持裝置(手機,智慧型眼鏡,血壓計),家電設備(冰箱,電視,烤箱),行車器材(GPS, 行車記錄器)等等,都可以透過不同的雲端技術連接上網。而這些裝置會將大量的資料傳送上網(或者你也可以說,雲端)。不過你想想,當這些龐大的資料同時傳送,而且每一項設備裝置都可能使用不同的通訊協定以及方式,那我們要用什麼樣的東西去接收,才能確保資料穩定接收的成功呢?

這時,一項"古老"的技術,又被人們想起來了。也就是訊息平台 Messaging Platform.

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a cluster of message broker using the built-in management platform Fabric. This make life much much easier to either config and manage brokers.

Please obtain a copy of JBoss A-MQ by going to


and download JBoss A-MQ from Red Hat.

Here are the summary steps to create.

1. Unzip to install

2. Create User

3. Startup A-MQ server

4. Create Fabric

5. Create A-MQ broker profile



這次分享的是如何透過Red Hat A-MQ 裡面內建的管理工具 Fabric, 去建立訊息的Broker. 因為有這個工具,可以讓你在大量部署的環境下也可以很輕鬆的管理設定.




1. 解壓縮安裝

2. 建立使用者

3. 啓動A-MQ 伺服器

4. 建立 Fabric

5. 建立 A-MQ broker profile

6. 建立 執行容器(Container)

7. 建立新的Profile 版本,並且設定AMQP 通訊協定

8. Container 版本更新

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