Last week was the Red Hat's Asia Pacific Technical Exchange event. It was a series of technical sharing session across Red Hat's product, from Red Hat Enterprise Platform solutions, Red Hat Openstack, Red Hat Openshift to Red Hat JBoss Middleware solutions.

Lots of interesting topics and ideas were shared during the session, many APAC Red Hatter has come up with interesting uses cases and their experiences with the products.

I had the honor to speak in 2 of the sessions, one is about IOT with AMQP and MQTT, which I have already talked about in my blog, the other one is a workshop.

This is a 1.5 hour workshop,

In this workshop we are first going to load data from H2 database to Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, provide a faster elastic memory grid cache for user to look up.

上個禮拜是紅帽的亞州區技術交流大會,在這個大會裡面大家會在Red Hat 的產品做技術的交流。從紅帽的企業Linux 平台,紅帽的雲端OpenStack, PaaS 平台 OpenShift,當然也有我們最愛的紅帽JBoss 中介軟體囉。 在大會的這幾天,有很多很有趣的創意用法,以及很多有趣的題目。很多紅帽的使用者,提出了很多有趣的使用方式,跟他們的經驗談。還滿有趣的,讓人受益非淺。總覺得自己是井底之蛙,看到大家超級有創意的方法,只能說,佩服佩服。

小妹剛好有榮幸講了其中的兩個題目,一個是關於利用AMQP 與 MQTT 間購物流網,這因為之前在部落格上已經寫了很多,就不多贅述。另一個就是個研討會的習作題。


在這個習作裡,我們要先將資料從H2的資料庫裡面撈出來,放到JBoss Data Grid上,所以可以利用JBoss Data Grid 的高彈性的分散式記憶體網格暫存(Cache),讓使用者可以個快速,更有效率的取得資料。

然後我們要寫一個網頁程式,讓你有個界面可以輸入查詢的內容,然後到我們剛剛建的JDG Cache(快取) 查

Red Hat JBoss A-MQ is a high performance and flexible messaging platform.

Red Hat JBoss Fuse is an open source Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) with an elastic footprint that supports integration beyond the data center. With Fuse, you will have Apache Camel to provide a full-featured, easy-to-use and intuitive framework for quicker integration solutions.

Red Hat JBoss A-MQ 是高效能,高彈性的訊息平台

Red Hat JBoss Fuse 是開源的 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) ,他最大的好處就是可以讓你擁有彈性的安裝大小,讓你可以整合跨越不同資料中心的服務語系統。 在 Fuse裡面, 還有 Apache Camel 提供一個功能齊全,容易使用和可以直接使用的框架,所以可以更快速的開發整合專案。Fuse 6.1所提供的元件在這裡!

在開發A-MQ 的程式或是Camel 的整合系統的時候,我們都會用Maven 來管理程式.

Ever since I started my blog, despite being very lazy and busy excuses for not update my blog frequently, it still slowly reached the 100th post! I started this blog just to record my learning result and thinking of sharing the latest JBoss middleware technology to Chinese readers in my region, then it became popular among friends, then to the world, till now I am publishing content in 2 languages, it's been a long road.

This demo will be divided into 2 parts, first part is about setting up the Messaging broker on OpenShift with MQTT Connector. Second part we are going to write a simple demo trying to connect to the broker via MQTT.

This is the 2nd part of the demo, we have previously setup a broker on Openshift, the PaaS offering from Red Hat. (see Part One). Now we have a broker running on the cloud ready to service. 

Apart from, MQTT is a very "lightweight " protocol.

這個demo 我把它分成兩個部分,第一部分是在OpenShift上面建立一個有MQTT通訊協定的訊息的Broker。然後在第二部分就是寫一支簡單的小程式去連接雲端上的Broker.

這是第二部分的demo, 我們之前已經在OpenShift 上面成功地建立了一個訊息Broker. OpenShift 是紅帽的PaaS (平台即服務). 所以現在我們已經有個在雲端上服務的Broker拉!

MQTT 除了是個羽量級的通訊協定外,因為MQTT本身是走publish/subscribe 的傳輸模式,所以基本上是走Topic, 不會用到queue.
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