This is the last one of my getting started demo for JBoss FUSE 6.1. For people that are getting started to know Fuse, and wants to get their hands dirty and develop a JBoss Fuse project.

This series of videos are focused on playing with the integration framework in JBoss Fuse, which base on the open source project Apache Camel. In this video I am going deploy the integration projects onto the OSGi container and manage it with Fuse Fabric.

The story behind the home loan demo is we have a system, that takes in XML files from different vendor's home loan application into a folder, and we will need to process the data give house an appraised value and then provide the information back to the vendors.

This is the 4th part of my getting started demo for JBoss FUSE 6.1. For people that are getting started to know Fuse, and wants to get their hands dirty and develop a JBoss Fuse project.

There will be a series of videos coming after this one, we will focus on playing with the integration framework in JBoss Fuse, which base on the open source project Apache Camel. And in the last video of the series I will deploy the integration projects onto the OSGi container and manage it with Fuse Fabric.

This is the 3rd part of my getting started demo for JBoss FUSE 6.1. For people that are getting started to know Fuse, and wants to get their hands dirty and develop a JBoss Fuse project.

There will be a series of videos coming after this one, we will focus on playing with the integration framework in JBoss Fuse, which base on the open source project Apache Camel. And in the last video of the series I will deploy the integration projects onto the OSGi container and manage it with Fuse Fabric.

2014年的紅帽技術大會是在舊金山開的,有很多不同的超酷的課程。每年技術大會大家最期待的就是JBoss 的 Keynote 範例, 讓你可以玩遍所有的JBoss 技術,把目前最酷的技術串聯成一個範例,然後現場發表!今年也不例外,應該已經變成紅帽技術大會的一個傳統了吧。我們把這個Keynote 的範例整理成一個可以重複安裝,使用的版本。讓你可以拿來參考,甚至賣弄我們都沒關係!誰叫我們是open source! 廢話不多說,去下載來玩鱉~ 讓你體驗紅帽美國技術大會上的氣氛!

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2. 請記得讀README 檔案喔!然後在installs 路徑下,放入JBoss 的產品

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繼續依照指令安裝,然後用你的twitter 帳號,就可以啓動一個流程。 更多的東西請見Salesforce integration.

This is the 2nd part of my getting started demo for JBoss FUSE 6.1. For people that are getting started to know Fuse, and wants to get their hands dirty and develop a JBoss Fuse project.

There will be a series of videos coming after this one, we will focus on playing with the integration framework in JBoss Fuse, which base on the open source project Apache Camel. And in the last video of the series I will deploy the integration projects onto the OSGi container and manage it with Fuse Fabric.

This video clip is for people that are getting started to know Fuse, and wants to get their hands dirty and develop a JBoss Fuse project for the first time.

There will be a series of videos coming after this one, we will focus on playing with the integration framework in JBoss Fuse, which base on the open source project Apache Camel. And in the last video of the series I will deploy the integration projects onto the OSGi container and manage it with Fuse Fabric.
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