Last Friday, I had a JBoss talk in HP taiwan IT summit, normally, developers doesn't really go to the forums like this, HP are know for their Hardware and infrastructure solutions, but I was there to break the boundary between developers and infrastructure gentlemen/ladies :)

It was a very short 40 minutes session, and it was the last session of the day, to make sure everyone is still awake and concentrating, I also did a little demo too.

As a developer, I wanted to discuss how Openshift has really boost the DevOps, and make our life much easier from a developer point of view, and also allowing system administrators to be relieved from their boring day to day routine job.

上週五亂入HP 的論壇去講JBoss, 怎麼JBoss 的開發者會去HP 這種超級硬邦邦的場子。沒錯JBoss 也可以去平台論壇喔!

今天講的主題是 DEVOPS 因為只有短短的40分鐘其實並沒辦法講得很深入。而且小姐我喜歡玩DEMO 多過於在台上一直念一直念催大家入睡.
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