Continue from last post, this time I am going to add a restful web service endpoint to our insurance application, and show you use the CXF producer. :)

Similar to CXF web service, we need to create a resource file, but this time, instead of an interface, we need to create a java class. Within the resource class file, we have specify 2 things, the context path and the url path of each functions for the restful service. So in the java file below, you will see that I have declare "status" context path for our status service, "/custId/{id}" for getting the status and "/restcancel/{polno}" for canceling claim with restful API.

Some friend of mine in Japan asking if I could do a simple demo on Camel CXF,  So here it is :).

This demo is about an insurance simple online claim application and status update. I will show you how to use Camel CXF to quickly setup an WebService, also setup Restful WebServices in few very easy steps.

In this demo we are going to setup a web service that takes in customer's insurance claim application, also provide another cancel function in case they have changed their mind.

This is the second part of the demo, "JDBC connector with Error Handling ", please take a look at the previous blog post. You can also find the finished code base here.

In the XML file, you'll find there is a VIP status, this indicates the process fee we need to charge per transaction, for DIAMOND class VIP, it's $1, $2 for GOLD and $3 for other accounts.

Using JDBC Connector, we first must create datasource setting, either within Camel context xml or in Fabric8.

This demo is slightly longer then the ones I done before, So I will break it into 2 parts, and try to keep each section as simple as possible, and then combine 2 simple section into a bigger demo. During the process I hope you can find it's very simple to integrate, process data and information with JBoss Fuse.
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