Now that JBoss Fuse supports both OSGi Karaf and JavaEE JBoss EAP container. When to use which one, is there any best practice for which container to use? And same as the answer as any other software related question, well, any questions in life actually. "it depends" .... Situation varies between cases, here are my point of view, you many like it or disagree, I am very happy to hear more of your thoughts.

Here is the thing, I think, it is BEST if you stick with Karaf container if possible for now. It is more light weight, which means you can deploy application much more quickly and expend faster horizontally with application distributed everywhere.

Apache Camel in JBoss Fuse allow you to choose your favorite way to develop your integration application, and now it let you choose your favorite container to run it in. I put up a summary list of what each DSL are available, and made comparison between them. 

Available DSL in different Containers

The reason to recommend blueprint in Karaf is that it provides a dependency injection framework in OSGi.

One thing I love about JBoss Fuse is the ability to visualize my Camel route and see how it is doing on the fly in pretty GUI interface. In JBoss Fuse, you will able to see these from Fuse management console under http://INSTALL_IP:818/, It provide an GUI interface to manage available Profiles in Fabric in Wiki page, logs view, health view, JMX console, OSGi views, A-MQ Broker manage console, Apache Camel, and Fuse Fabric.

This workshop talks about JBoss Fuse application deploying on JBoss EAP, the JavaEE container. How does that work? In order to save you from building large fat WAR application that includes all the libraries you need, and avoid chaos of including the correct and supported version of Apache Camel library. JBoss Fuse allows you to patch your JBoss EAP to make it Fuse ready.

During Patching, it'll add the new subsystem, "camel".

We have talked about how to start develop application in EAP with Java DSL, and most interestingly how to utilize the CDI framework in JavaEE. And in this post we are going to take that example a bit more further, show you how to integrate with Databases, Java beans in the application, creating a servlet and lastly setup a Restful webservice.

For this currency exchange project, I have store the exchange rate in the h2 database.
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