Long time no see :) , for many of you who knows me, I've been through a major change in life, moving to another country for couple of years, that is why there are less updates in my blog. But, I am back! Getting back to business. Fuse Integration Service 2.0 Tech preview was out two weeks ago, since this version is base on OpenShift 3.3, which has pipeline capability prebuilt on top of it (Tech preview on OpenShift as well). This get it one step closer to a more automated and agile continuous integration, and deployment one-stop platform for us, the integration developer.

For the pipeline to work on OpenShift, you will need Jenkins installed and running. OpenShift uses it to build, process and handle all the workflows.

Fuse and A-MQ 6.3 GA has just went out. Maybe, you would think this is just only a minor version release why should I care? Hold your thoughts on that! Because they have done a lot of improvements and also added many new features into this release.

Besides various bug fixes and making sure Fuse Fabric is much more stable. There are two major change in this version update:

New Tooling in JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) 9.1 GA.  Newer Apache Camel version – Camel v2.17.

I am sure this is the moment we have all been waiting for a long time, JBoss A-MQ 7 is finally out and is currently in Alpha. A-MQ is a fast and flexible messaging platform that reliably delivers information and easily integrates the various components in your application environments.

A-MQ 7 consists of several new components and features, it is base on Project Apache ActiveMQ Artemis. The code base was donated by HornetQ.

This year in Red Hat summit, I have to honor to work with two intelligent colleague of mine Eric Schabell and Siamak Sadeghianfar to share an interesting workshop. The main theme on the workshop is demonstrate how rules automation can be implemented on the cloud and how to take advantage of the integration service to expose API and scalable across the network.

I was going to talk about my API approach, but then I have many emails asking if I can do a installation video. 

In this demo, we will be simulating Four different departments that are typically in hospital.

I hope you enjoy playing with my healthcare demo, if you have not yet look at it, and would like to know what is the scenario of the demo, and how to run it, please visit my previous blog.

Microservices are defined by many people in various ways.

Continue on with the topic from last week, I want to try to demonstrate how JBoss Fuse can help to build a more robust, and agile healthcare integration solution. In this blog I will explain what the demo is about, how to install and play with the demo. You can access the code base here: https://github.com/weimeilin79/healthcaredemo  I tried to mimic a common situation when we visit a clinic or hospital. Lets start by looking at the departments. There are 5 different parties involve.

I wanted to build a JBoss Fuse demo for healthcare industry, and started doing my research on the internet, at first, I thought, it is not going to take long, since there is already a standard out there: HL7 for data exchanging, how difficult can it be? Integration in healthcare should be a piece of cake...

This series of blog is based on building an auto dealership management system on Fuse Integration Service. We will be creating three major functions in the system.

Sales report tracking  Vehicle inventory status Customer IoT Service

We have exported a sales report to a web page, provide current inventory status of available cars through web service. And collect customer data from IoT devices on their car then alert close by shops.

This series of blog is based on building an auto dealership management system on Fuse Integration Service. We will be creating three major functions in the system.

Sales report tracking  Vehicle inventory status Customer IoT Service

We have exported a sales report to a web page, provide current inventory status of available cars through web service. And collect customer data from IoT devices on their car then alert close by shops.
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