This series of blog is based on building an auto dealership management system on Fuse Integration Service. We will be creating three major functions in the system.

Sales report tracking  Vehicle inventory status Customer IoT Service

We will be exporting a sales report to a web page, provide current inventory status of available cars through web service. And collect customer data from IoT devices on their car then alert close by shops. It would be better if you have some basic knowledge of Apache Camel before you begin, because I will not explain it in a great detail, I'll put my focus on how it works with the base platform, OpenShift. For Camel basic, you can check out my previous JBoss Fuse workshop.

Before we go and start creating our first application, I want to show you how to setup your JBoss Developer Studio, create a small application from the quickstart example and then running it on Fuse Integration Service.

I am using JBoss Developer Studio version 9, you can find it here.

After download the


double-click it, and start installing with default values.
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