Continue on with the topic from last week, I want to try to demonstrate how JBoss Fuse can help to build a more robust, and agile healthcare integration solution. In this blog I will explain what the demo is about, how to install and play with the demo. You can access the code base here:  I tried to mimic a common situation when we visit a clinic or hospital. Lets start by looking at the departments. There are 5 different parties involve. As you can see, these are commonly found in healthcare and they uses different data format and talks in various protocol. just like what it would be in real life.

I wanted to build a JBoss Fuse demo for healthcare industry, and started doing my research on the internet, at first, I thought, it is not going to take long, since there is already a standard out there: HL7 for data exchanging, how difficult can it be? Integration in healthcare should be a piece of cake...
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