I am sure this is the moment we have all been waiting for a long time, JBoss A-MQ 7 is finally out and is currently in Alpha. A-MQ is a fast and flexible messaging platform that reliably delivers information and easily integrates the various components in your application environments.

A-MQ 7 consists of several new components and features, it is base on Project Apache ActiveMQ Artemis. The code base was donated by HornetQ. Having high performance journal base on NIO implementation, allows A-MQ 7 to become a fast , high performance and reliable messaging platform.  Rather than relying other persistence storage it is very highly optimized for general message use cases.

This year in Red Hat summit, I have to honor to work with two intelligent colleague of mine Eric Schabell and Siamak Sadeghianfar to share an interesting workshop. The main theme on the workshop is demonstrate how rules automation can be implemented on the cloud and how to take advantage of the integration service to expose API and scalable across the network.
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