Microservices is probably one of the most popular buzz among my fellow developer friends, and I do like the concept of being flexible, agile and having simply having more choices. But as a person that worked in the software integration space for years, I started to see some resemblance of the old ESB days.

Looking at the problem from ten thousand feet up. A decade ago, we had to come up with a better way of organizing the spaghetti connection in between systems, stop duplicating effort on the same piece of business logic. That is when Service oriented architecture(SOA) became popular. By modularizing services, sharing them among others systems, and organize ways of communication, routing of data. And ESB is one implementation of that, maybe not necessary how it should be done.

OK. I said it. Integration is still around, but in different form from my last blog post. So what does modern integration looks like? Looking at how agile scrum has taken over traditional waterfall development framework, by enable shorter deliver cycles, faster feedback, and having the flexibility to rapidly adapt changes. I believe it’s time for traditional integration to be agile again. By breaking up traditional ESB into distributed microservices.

I wanted to blog about this for a very long time, but because of work and being too lazy to turn on my laptop on the weekends, now I finally have a couple of hours to sit down and start blogging.

"Integration is DEAD."

"No, no, let's talk about microservice!!"

"What is that again? Integration, you mean SOA? It's lame... ".

These makes the majority of the percentage when I talk about Integration.

API plays a huge part in modern integration architecture design, a good design will allow your application to thrive, a bad design will end up on the cold stone bench and eventually vanishes :(....

Well, to avoid this tragic happens to our APIs, there are certain guidelines that we might want to consider to follow, I know there are lots of debates out there on the best practice of API design, and I don't think it will ever end.

I just realized that I did not do a getting started for Fuse Integration Service 2.0 Tech preview before I did the pipeline demo, thanks for those of you who reminded me! :)

To get started with FIS 2.0, for people who has just getting to know the technology, here is how I interpret it. Basically, it's divide into two aspect,

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