This is part one of my two-article series that demonstrates the approach of implementing contract-first API design using Apicurioand Red Hat Fuse.

It covers how to create an OpenAPI standard document as the contract between API providers and consumers using Apicurio. It also shows how to quickly create mock tests using Red Hat Fuse.

There are two common approaches of creating these APIs.

Code First Contract First Coming from a old time ESB developer, these are not new. We have been doing this forever. Before, it was the WSDL that define the contract of the service. we were doing a lot more code first, for me it's simply because it's much easier for me to write couple of Java classes and generate the WSDL for my consumer.

Red Hat Fuse 7 (formerly called Red Hat JBoss Fuse) is now officially available. This cloud-native, distributed solution allows developers to easily develop, deploy and scale integration applications. Architects can compose and orchestrate microservices with Red Hat Fuse to introduce agility to the systems. In this release, Fuse also empowers integration experts and business users to become more productive with the self-service low-code platform.

Red Hat Fuse 7.0 technical preview three is out today! On the pathway to become one of the best cloud-native integration platform, Fuse gives developer freedom to choose how they want to develop the integration solution, where they want to deploy it and capabilities to address new integration personas that do not have development experience.

By supporting the three major runtime, developer is free to work on the runtime of their choice.

This is the sample that I create for the hello world.


Before you start, make sure you have installed the following software:

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 1.8.x (Java 8) Apache Maven

Setup your Development Environment

Download and launch the installer

For Mac / Windows user: Download Red Hat JBoss Developer Suite here.  Go to the folder where you downloaded the installer and double click on the downloaded file and kick off the installation.
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