More of my two cents, just my thoughts. A quick fun read, not too deep, but worth noting :).

1. Setting the domain boundary wrong

This is a job guarantee tactics, it's endless looping in development and testing for everyone involved in the project without making the service to production! First everything starts simple and gradually find more and more functions, business logic gets added into the microservice, at the end, one even have to rename the whole damn thing. 

Symptoms and side effects 

A growing microservices becomes too fat, or every single microservices in the domain calls your microservice.

AMQ Online, project name, EnMasse. Recently, I've attended AMQ Online Hackfest where the Rob and Ulf the engineering team kindly ask us to take a hack on the new platform. If you don't know what AMQ Online is, it's basically an online self-service (Messaging as a Service) messaging platform for developers/application owners to quickly spin up their own queue and topic without worrying about the scalability, network setting and all sorts of operation setups.

It's been a year and half since I blogged about "Agile Integration architecture" (Gosh, time just flies). With the "microservices" and "cloud-native" hype, I was especially curious on how all these new concept and technology affect us on how to architect the integration systems. If you ever pay close attention to all the latest and greatest news from the Kubernetes community, I am sure you will hear a lot about the new "Service Mesh".
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