Make SAP Cloud Native and Event Driven in 4 days
I encourage you to attend Sanket’s session for more details, this blog is JUST my view on the demo, and things I did to make it running. The demo was a simple approval process of Sales Orders.
4 Learnings From Load Testing LLMs The way LLMs run in Kubernetes is quite a bit different than running web apps or APIs. Recently I was digging into the benefits of the Inference Extensio...
Cloud Native Rejekts London: Mastering Fluent Bit - Ultimate Guide to
Integrating Telemetry Pipelines with OpenTelemetry
One of the really fun events around the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
(CNCF) flagship event KubeCon + CloudNativeCon is Cloud Native Rejekts.
This e...
New release of JBoss Data Grid - 6.6 The engineering and product management team of JBoss Data Grid has done it again. Release yet another version on time and with some new existing features. ...
Should DevOps be DevOpsSec Neil MacDonald, a Gartner Fellow, published a blog on Security in DevOps. I like his comment on a secure system, *A well-designed, developed and managed s...